Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Ass-in-Seat Principle

There's something deep inside you that's been itching to come out; art that needs to be made, ideas that need to be put down on paper, music that needs to be written, bills that need to be paid (okay, maybe not that!). Everytime you sit down with the intention to create SOMETHING, you suddenly remember that the tub needs regrouting, the car needs to be waxed and the garden needs to be weeded RIGHT NOW! What's going on?

The root cause of all this procrastination is a little four letter word: FEAR. We fear that if we publically express ourselves, we'll be shot down before we even start. We'll embarass ourselves. We won't be good enough. People will laugh at our efforts. So what does one do to get past the fear and do it anyway? It's called The Ass-in-Seat Principle. This concept is so simple that anyone can do it; put your ass in the seat and just do it. Your writing can suck. That's okay. Your art can come out all dark and strange looking. That's okay. You might want to be the next Jimmy Hendrix but your music sounds more like a four year old on a Playschool guitar. THAT'S OKAY. The point is, if you just sit down and start - and this doesn't even have to be at the beginning - you're doing SOMETHING. Things don't have to be perfect, and they probably won't. But you've begun your creative project. You can always go back and edit, re-sculpt, or switch to an easier song. It doesn't matter. You've set in motion the creative process that's been longing to happen and, once started, won't be easy to turn off. And how did this miraculous thing happen? You simply plunked your ass in the seat and started. That wasn't so hard, was it?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My Art Room

I am lucky enough to have my own art space. It's a long room at the end of the house with plenty of space and plenty of light. It was supposed to be a "bonus" room, and it's a real bonus to me. I have all my favorite "stuff" there: Bookshelves to hold all my art and creativity books, open shelving to showcase my altered books and other projects, a large antique filing cabinet to hold supplies (not that there's room for ALL of them there!), and two huge worktables to hold my works-in-progress. This is MY room, MY space and MY sanity saver! When I enter this room, I automatically leave reality and go into the "zone". All time is suspended and my mind goes out into space. I always feel so much better when I've taken time out from my daily life to create SOMETHING.

Now, I realize that not everyone can have a whole room in which to indulge our creative passions; many of us are lucky just to have a corner somewhere to do what we want to do, make what we want to make. But even if you live in the teeniest apartment, you can find your "space". Keep your supplies in a cupboard or bin and drag them out when you want to make stuff. I sometimes throw a piece of plastic over my kitchen table and create there (usually when I have waaaaay to many projects going and have run out of surface in my art room!). I have even heard of people keeping their supplies in an under-the-bed storage container and using their bed as a work surface. Hey, where there's a will, there's a way. The point I'm trying to make is that it's important that we have a spot in which to express ourselves creatively. Maybe all you need is a computer. Maybe a journal will be just fine. But find your spot and GO CREATE SOMETHING!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Visual journaling


I love to journal, but I don't always feel like writing, and sometimes I just can't find the right words to express my feelings. That's why I love art journaling; I can express my self with pictures, images, doodles and writing, all according to my mood. I often will sit down with a pile of magazines and tear out pages that appeal to me, cut out images that attract me, and clip words and phrases that express the way I feel. Then I get out the old gluestick and have at it. I combine images, colors and textures, add stamping, doodling or writing boom! I've expressed myself visually, in only the way this art form can afford. I've been doing this for six years now and I find it a very freeing form of self-expression. It's interesting to look back and see how consistent my taste has been in things like home decorating and fashion, and how much my art "play" has evolved. Sometimes I use my art journal to try out ideas and techniques for other projects, like altered books and collage. Visual journalling is relaxing and should try it!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Art of Free


It's that time of year again; garage sales, flea markets, farmer's markets and all sorts of outside shopping venues dot the roadside. There's nothing I love more than a good bargain. Oh wait, yes there is -- getting stuff for free! You never know what you might find if you keep your eyes open. Not too long ago, I bartered with my friend Judy. I traded a small hutch that I'd had forever for a gliding rocker and ottoman that she wanted to replace. Her chair looks great in my family room and my hutch looks awesome in her dining room. But that left a hole in my kitchen where the hutch used to be. I decided that I'd really like to have a desk there to pay bills at, but, money being what it is (i.e., practically non-existent), I knew I couldn't afford to buy a new one. A few days later, as I was driving down the road, I spotted a beautiful maple desk sitting out beside someone's trash! Oh sure, it was a little dinged up, but I'm partial to the distressed look anyway. I pulled over and hauled that puppy into the back of my SUV (yet another practical use for an otherwise money-sucking vehicle). Now that lovely (free!) desk sits in my kitchen, holding all the bills I can't afford to pay. It even has open shelving for my cookbooks. What a deal!

Judy just called. She snagged some goodies from her sister's yard sale and wants to share with me. Hey,'s a good thing!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Life is not what I thought it would's better!

All my life I have wanted to be a grownup. You know, go to college, get married, have kids, live in the burbs, drive a status-y car, go on fancy vacations and have money in the bank. I once had those things, till divorce blew them up. And you know what? I realized that's not what life's about. While all that "stuff" is nice, it doesn't guarantee happiness. I have discovered that living my life passionately and on my own terms is what brings me true happiness. I create my life, day by day. For instance, I don't have a regular job. The thought of spending my days stuck in a cubicle like Dilbert, working to support someone else's cause and having my time controlled by the Man sucks the life right out of me. Nope, can't do it. I'll be damned if I'm going to spend the rest of my life dancing to the beat of someone else's drummer. I'll do my own thing, thankyouverymuch.

Back in the 90's, the simplicity movement gained some popularity and press. Aparently, there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way I do. Sure, money and status are nice, but what about time and personal authenticity? Don't they count. I mean, you only have one life, one short blink of time on this planet. Don't you want to have some say on how you spend it?

What would happen if we all decided to live by our own light? I'm not talking about the selfishness of the "Me" generation, I'm talking about living with meaning. Personal meaning. Integrity. What if time, creativity, loving and living took precidence over acquisition and spending money? Would that really be so bad?

I'm realizing that being a grownup is a pretty cool thing. Finally, I have the freedom to create a life worth living.

In the beginning....

There once was a girl who was afraid to blog...oh wait, that was me. Anyway, she was far too creative, innovative, opinionated and extroverted to keep her ideas to herself. Thus, a blog was born... Posted by Picasa